Could the booming job market trigger a talent crisis?

We were interested to read a recent article from CIPS, which highlighted around two thirds of procurement and supply chain professionals are considering switching employer, threatening a potential talent crisis in the sector.

The 2021 DSJ Global study canvassed more than 1,000 experienced supply chain and procurement professionals around the world in April and May this year.

In sharp contrast to last year, 58% of professionals surveyed felt positive about the current job market – compared with only 36% in 2020, and 55% said they were optimistic about economic expectations.

Martin Smith, Founder of Talent Drive, says;

Procurement has really come to the forefront of the businesses needs during the pandemic – which as a result has seen an increase in investment in this area. This has created more job opportunities, stimulating the procurement job market and enticing people into new roles.

The danger now is that demand is outweighing supply of procurement talent and this has the potential to create real problems in the sector – which is why its important more than ever that education and business leaders together create more procurement talent through graduate and apprentice programmes, to allow and increase in entry into the Procurement industry.

Read the full article from CIPS here.


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