Julia’s House has been a charity close to the heart of Talent Drive Founder, Martin Smith for a number of years. From managing many wonderful events and initiatives to supporting the local community across Dorset and Wiltshire, Martin has seen first hand the positive impact their work has had.
When asked why he chose to support the charity, Martin said “Julia’s House is based in my local village where I grew up (Corfe Mullen) and I have known various families that have benefited from the work they do. As a local business owner I wanted to help give something back to the community that I was fortunate enough to be brought up in, and support Julia’s House in the process. This is why I have decided to set up the Talent Share Referral Scheme!”
For every successful and happy referral placed in a new role, Talent Drive will donate £200 to Julia’s House once they have passed their probation!
Julia’s House is a Children’s Hospice in Dorset and Wiltshire. They are an award-winning children’s hospice charity dedicated to bringing comfort and care to families across the two counties.
Each family they support is unique and so is the care provided. When a family finds out that their child has a very serious medical condition, which is life-limiting or life-threatening, their world falls apart. Julia’s House exists to help these children and their families.
Providing practical and emotional support, tailoring care to the needs of each individual child and their family, providing frequent and regular support in their own homes, in the community or at local hospices.
If you know someone within your Procurement or Supply Chain network that would benefit from joining ours, contact us today and together we can support Julia’s House!