HealthTrust Europe’s Approach to Achieving Social Value with COO Dale Robinson – Episode 50


Episode show notes

Recent years have brought new challenges to the healthcare sector, so for HealthTrust Europe it’s been key to engage stakeholders to guarantee social value in every process they implement.

Advocating the renewed need for social value and sustainability in procurement within the sector is COO Dale Robinson, who considers the holistic, end-to-end view of a process to be essential in unlocking that value.

Dale joins us to share how eProcurement strategies can leverage the power of data, getting familiar with health policies at ICS level, and how the NHS will need to adapt in order to achieve its Net-Zero goals.

This episode of Talent Talks covers:

  • Working with a greater range of stakeholders to get ahead of key processes
  • Achieving social value in health solutions by working processes in at ICS level
  • Keeping teams engaged and connected through a time of hybrid working and additional scrutiny
  • The NHS’ Net-Zero target, and the hurdles it needs to overcome in order to achieve it
  • How eProcurement strategies could help to hit sustainability targets & social value metrics

The Talent Talks Podcast is proudly sponsored by Barkers Commercial Consultancy. Barkers are a multi-award-winning ethical, procurement consultancy offering specialist services including cost and procurement transformation, contract lifecycle management, procurement managed services, bid writing services and digital procurement

Episode highlights

“You have to get well in front of a process to be able to understand it properly. Upfront due diligence, upfront understanding about that whole care pathway, is absolutely key with what you do during the process that you run.” – 4:55 – Dale Robinson

“All of those things that need to be thought about at the start of the project, you’ll be able to do more effectively with access to a really wide stakeholder group within the organisation you’re working with. So that’s both from a clinical perspective, but also throughout the organisation, finance leads and heads of service, depending on what it is that you’re looking to do. ” – 5:55 – Dale Robinson

“We learned quite quickly how to make sure that people are engaged in video conferencing, and how to make sure that our processes could run under that environment. So you go from a point in time where you’ve got a lead time to be able to speak to people or engage with clinicians, to a scenario where actually it’s probably a little bit easier to get access, because everybody’s suddenly got used to doing it in this virtual way.” – 11:40 – Dale Robinson

“There are providers that offer portals where information can be uploaded from activities that are undertaken by a particular organisation, and then they can be audited. That kind of direction of travel will mean that those sorts of organisations will probably grow, and organisations like us probably need to partner with them or develop our own solutions around that, to make sure that we’re capturing all of the activity that an organisation that we work with does.” – 17:50 – Dale Robinson

“The way to make sure that solutions are aligned with social value and sustainability metrics and approaches is to do that at the ICS type level. So you’re talking about a county-sized or half a county-sized type geographical area. What that then does is allows you to target your issues and your impacts at an area where there’s a lot of consistency.” – 21:50 – Dale Robinson

“If you’ve got highly accurate data that you can put in front of the clinician that shows the utilisation or outcomes of something, for example the average amount of times a patient comes back when something’s been used, all of that information is absolute gold to a procurement process where you’re looking at the end to end pathway. It gets you stakeholder buy-in and allows you to improve those outcomes. All of those things taken together equals value – not pennies in the pound, it’s full end-to-end value.” – 27:00 – Dale Robinson

“There will be a continued focus on supply chain resiliency, I believe. So putting the NHS and the public sector bodies in a position where they’re well informed about that, I think will be the job of procurement as well – making sure that that continues, then really getting some momentum behind the sustainability and social value agenda.” – 33:00 – Dale Robinson

“One of the things you find with SMEs is they have a geographical footprint, they’re focused on a set area. So it’s how you find that balance between being able to allow for that vs the needs of the whole country, if you like, and people being able to access it. But we are making significant progress with that. Areas like facilities management and so on are high on the agenda.” – 38:00 – Dale Robinson


Links & References

  • Dale Robinson, COO at HealthTrust Europe LLP

  • HealthTrust Europe LLP

  • Martin Smith, Founder & Director of Talent Drive

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